Welcome to the Troop 124 Website!

Historically one of the larger troops in the Portland Metro area, Troop 124 currently serves approximately 60 Scouts and is blessed with an abundance of adult volunteers.  St. Matthew Lutheran Church is the chartering organization.

We meet weekly at 7:00 PM Monday evenings in St. Matthew’s Lower Fellowship Hall.  Parent meetings are held the first Monday of each month during the troop meetings.

We go camping every month — rain, mud, snow or shine.

“It’s called scOUTING for a reason!”

Come check us out – New Scouts are always welcome.

Erik Weswig Memorial Award

This award is given, once each year at summer camp, to a Scout from Troop 124 who best exemplifies living the Scout Oath.


Our Eagle Scouts

Troop 124 is very proud of our Eagle Scouts.

Mighty Guide Award

This award is given to honor a Scout of 5124 who goes out of their own way to help, teach, and inspire others, showing Scout Spirit along the way.

Crew 124

Along with Troop 124, we also have a Venturing Crew!